Abundance Boost
Feb 01, 2021
The Divine shared an Abundance Boost method to help me align to earth’s naturally abundant frequency.
It involves Love Languages! 💖🥳
For this Abundance Boost method to work, you will need to know yours. (If you aren't sure what yours are, you can take this free quiz to find out which ones out of the 5 Love Languages are yours)
I recommend that you take note of your top 3 Love Languages.
Here’s how this works:
Daily, give to yourself or someone else your top 3 Love Languages.
A lot of times when it comes to our Love Languages many people believe that we have to wait for someone to give that to us. What I have learned from many years of being mentored by the Divine, is that we lead and the Universe/Source/God matches us dollar for dollar or in this case love token for love token.
Remember to be in balance of your give and receive cycles too! Maybe you are an overgiver? Like to give someone else copious amounts of praise, quality time or gifts. Perhaps the shift for you might be, to ask someone what they love about you or shout out your own praises.
Record some loving affirmations on your phone to listen to first thing in the morning.
Record some loving affirmations on your phone to listen to first thing in the morning.
Give to yourself!
Then others.
Then others.
You will begin to align to the frequency of abundance and begin to shift your prosperity picture.
For example, mine are quality time, gifts, and touch.
My biggest days in sales have come in after I have had multiple days off, a massage, gifted myself something beautiful and genuinely have chosen joy and relaxation.
I 💗 myself and the energetic frequency of that is multiplied and sent back.
Mark your calendar for 10 days and then write me back to tell me what new blessings you have experienced. I love reading about all the Abundance Boosts coming in. [email protected]
I inJOY passing on this Divine guidance so that you may feel as wealthy and loved as you desire. 💞
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