April 2020 Energy Forecast
Mar 31, 2020
April 2020 Energy Forecast
I am working towards building, manifesting, and creating the life that I desire. I rest, pause and reflect when I need to.
Planet: Saturn
Gem: Emeralds
Color: Green
I was shown the snake as the animal that would be chaperoning us throughout this next period of about three months. Whatever the snake means to you is what will be true. For me personally, the snake symbolizes rebirth, a reminder to be instinctual, to be tuned into nature. It is also used to show healing powers and heralds transformation. The Divine says that for some people they are going through a period of transformation and that they will be like snakes when they shed. They need to be left alone and might appear cranky. Allow people to retreat and recover as needed. For some, it will be time to come out of the shadows and shine. Pay attention to what you are led to do.
The downtime that we experience will be less than the current projections show. This is in part due to the many healing processes that are at work and because of all of the precautionary measures that are being taken.
Your nutrient intake is very important for your overall wellness but also to reduce the risk of contagion and to have the shortest recovery time possible. Vitamin C and Riboflavin are absolutely necessary. Stay away from inhalants that cause dis-ease or the body to suffer. Eat your vegetables! Your plate should be filled with 70-90% vegetable/plant matter.
Call in the Christ Light every morning to upgrade your frequency and energy field. Watch the stars and solar system take care of you. The equinox marked the beginning of the end period (for China) and craves balance (something that we are all getting a taste of now in the U.S.) The two eclipses in June and July were specifically mentioned in regards to endings. The stargate on 4/4 was also shown to me.
The entire planet is experiencing a shadow period. This is a time of reflection, expansion and even building for some. Only those who are being led by Divine guidance will be told to build at this time. Those who have malicious intent will be revealed and brought to justice. Pay attention to what YOU are being guided to do.
Is it time for a rest period?
Defeat your self sabotage?
Count your blessings?
Tap into those heart’s desires?
April will mean hard work for some, the type of hard work that truly pays off. Building brick by brick and staying task focused will yield magnificent results. For others, April will be all about manifestation. Bringing more hearts desires into reality. Other folks will experience a good mix of the two. The rest period will be fruitful and prosperous. Themes like honesty and justice will be trending.
Is it time for you to tap into your own Divine Guidance through Ty’s Spirit Messenger Training? Reach out to book a call with her now to find out if you are the right fit and if this is the right time for you. https://www.messengersofspirit.com/spiritmessengertraining
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