February 2020 Energy Forecast
Jan 31, 2020
February Energy Forecast 2020
In my heart, I grow love. I love myself, my family and others.
Planet: Moon
Gem: Moonstones
Color: Orange/Peach
This month is all about connection. Connection to self and others, even Divine connection will be trending. Make time to connect to yourself and at least one other person (most of them new) each day. The Divine is showing me a whole bunch of new support that will be showing up in our lives through or by a new person. Whether that is a family member, mentor or new friend there will be some exchanges that will take you by surprise and delight you.
You are going to see all kinds of many blessings coming your way as the Divine is showing up. The Divine is taking care of you in new ways and wanting to support your investments and endeavors. If you have to make a decision this month and you’re not sure, go within and ask – is this in my highest and best interests? In one way or another, you will get a resounding answer.
Another theme this month is EXPLORE, explore and explore some more. There will be compatible circumstances to your heart’s desires that seem to appear out of nowhere. Trust that it is for you to try some new things as well as some that are a compliment to some things you were doing before.
Teaching, communication, and guidance will be heightened. If you have been thinking about signing up for some new classes or training – now is definitely the time. Even if you have tried something similar in the past, the Divine says that you can trust this opportunity / endeavor to serve you.
Trustworthy compatibility and partnership is coming into the forefront and shall be with us for the rest of our year. Many of us are landing on launch pads that will finally serve our heart’s desires. We’ll be adjusting very quickly before soaring to new heights. So it is!
Dates to pay attention to: Luckiest Day – February 2nd, Full Snow Moon February 9th, New Moon February 24th , Stargate February 20th
Please check out the Spirit Tribe to stay in alignment vibrationally with the latest earth upgrades and activations. Monthly mentorship opportunity provided by Ty the Spirit Messenger found here: https://www.patreon.com/tythespiritmessenger
Photo by Dimitar Belchev on Unsplash
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