7 Tips For New Earth Biz Success

abundance alignment divine channel finances leadership mentorship new earth professional spiritual entreprenuer wealth Jun 09, 2024

Hey, Love!

I’m dropping in with some really valuable tips the Divine asked me to share with you regarding New Earth wealth practices in our mission businesses.

New Earth businesses have high priorities on alignment, being of Divine Service, providing an ecological service that is good for you, great for the people you serve, and for our planet.

As a New Earth Biz Mentor, we aim to build legacies and change the game for humanity's future. We are determined to shift the way we serve and do sales, so that we have love at the center of our support and care packages.

If you are a healer, Divine channel or mentor and have found yourself lacking sales or needing to give your clients refunds, these tips could really support you.

1. Get clear on who your offers are for. Tune in. The more clarity here the better, especially for the readiness of your transformation.

2. Know the promises of your transformation. Wow your clients by under promising and over delivering.

3. Practice clarity and simplicity when sharing your sacred offers. Too much exciting language and mixed messages can confuse people away from our offers.

4. Implement a sales process that allows both you and your potential clients to gauge if they are the right fit or ready.

5. Make sure that your methods and modalities are clearly outlined and that the potential client is a good fit and agreeable to them.

6. Commit to providing the highest quality of care and service to each soul client to maximize your referral and retention rates.

7. Lead with love at the center of your biz. Most people will invest more for expertise, high quality, and great service that is reliable and transformative. You don't need to be the cheapest and most affordable.

These are the types of things that I help my clients with clarity on. I show up to mentorship calls with guidance already channeled from Source about price points, sales strategies, marketing, soul clients and offers/packages. As well, knowing what kind of quantum activations, clearings and downloads you need to support your success.

If you are a healer or Divine channel with 3 or more modalities and 2 years or more of experience, you could have a 4 figure package or transformation to offer your soul clients and could be earning up to 5 figures per month.

I would be honored to support you in putting all of this together so that you can serve your greatest magic and medicine and be compensated appropriately and abundantly for it.

If you would like to discuss the opportunities that I have available to work with me, please book a free channeled Alignment Call where we can get clear on what you need and are ready for.

Book Your Free Channeled Alignment Call

The world needs you and your unique and special blend of magic and medicine. One of the things that brings me the greatest joy is hearing from God's mouth what is being designed by you, with you and for you.

Sending you love all ways,

Ty Gold | Alchemist

Co-founder of New Earth Magic School

Ascension and Abundance Mentor

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