New Earth - What is it??

ascension divine guidance new earth Oct 03, 2024

Recently I was asked what "New Earth" means to me. I thought I would share my views, concepts and some support about this. I would like to start off with a bit of a story. 

In August 2012, I awoke to a phrase repeating itself like song lyrics or a poem in my head. When I finally sat down with pen and paper, I transcribed 8 pages of notes from my guardian angel, Hope! This was our first conversation that I was aware of. (She would later help me identify that we had been communicating throughout my entire life.) 

Those first 8 pages described a new world on Earth where we are a more loving human family, who are tuned into our hearts. She spoke a lot about oneness and sang songs about the dawn of a new era and coming of age where joy, art, and freedom are the most celebrated. 

At that time, I was invited to take part in a soul journey. I woke up each day to receive a new lesson or multiple lessons. This lasted over 10 years and still continues. My primary ascension teachers have been my soul guides aka my Divine Support Team. They have explained to me that I have an opportunity to share what I have been taught to create more heart consciousness and heart coherence. 

After all, this is what "living in 5D" is all about. It is heart coherence to the new optimum settings and grids that are available on our planet now. 

Let me go back. 

Before the dawn of this new age and era, there was only 1 primary grid system that encapsulated our planet. This is known as 3D or as I like to call it, The Old Earth Software System. 

Thanks to Creator, the Divine and our galactic partners and friends, we now have available a New Earth Software (or I like to say, Heartware 😍 ) System. This is an entirely new grid system that allows more freedom, harmony, joy, and sovereignty to be available to us. 

This New Earth Software and grid system requires that we have waaaayyy more light data in our field. That light is comprised of ease, flow, compassion, creativity. 

On Earth right now, many souls are vacillating between these two grids and software systems. I have been tasked with creating bridges that allow souls to become full time in the New Earth, upgrading their individual systems to become more compatible with the advanced 5D realms and timelines.

So, Ty how would you know? How do you know if you are firmly planted in Gaia's highest realms and dimensions or operating with an AOL dial up kind of connection in the Old Earth Software System?

I'll give you a list to assess. None of this is bad or good. It is just a part of the design of our planet right now and knowing what is available is helpful to experience more peace, ease, and harmony. 

5th dimensional travel focuses on frequency. Those who can hold and adjust quickly are able to maintain buoyancy in the higher and upper realms. It doesn't mean we don't have bad days. It just means that we don't stay there long. The Divine provided me a helpful guide that I have used with great intention since 2013,  this scale shared by Esther Hicks. 

Transmutation is how we power our grid systems. We trust that the flux in our systems whether that be mental, physical, emotional or spiritual is all bringing us into greater harmony, balance and resonance with our soul's truth. 

Growth/Ascension is our greatest asset. We see ourselves as constantly learning from friends, family, nature, and life. Rather than feeling victim to our circumstances we embrace each opportunity to see a pattern or identify something new about ourselves. The world around us and life becomes a classroom. We strive to know and understand more. 

Our bodies become highly attuned vessels for knowledge and portals for anchoring more light. 3D bodies hold a lot of density. There are many stories and codes locked in from imprinting, society, past lifetimes and our ancestors. When we are able to become a witness to these stories and release our identity and attachment to our physical body and emotional state we can embrace the concept that the body serves as a transmutation portal and anchor point. In easy terms, when we can say, "I am a spiritual being having a human experience," and identify that our body and emotions are not us but an experience that we are having, we can begin to separate the old ways from the new. 

For many years, the Divine guided me to "adjust the settings" for hundreds of clients who had a heightened sympathetic response. It was shown and described to me as inflammation of the amygdala. This psychic operation brought the fight or flight response trigger/signal waaay down so that the clients I worked with were able to stay in their human brain and closer to their heart's consciousness. This more relaxed setting allows my clients to stay in ease and flow so that they can tune into their soul and Divine guidance much easier. 

If you find that your sense of safety, security or fight or flight response is getting highly triggered or activated it may be an indication that your sympathetic nervous system is also set to respond when you are in fact not in any danger. This can cause you to feel stress, fear, doubt or scarcity when the best thing for you may be to create an action plan, rest or go out for an afternoon and play. When we stay in these lower frequencies it can cause us to co-create a timeline that has a negative feedback loop. Meaning we experience a lot more of it. Getting grateful for what is and what we have is the very best way to navigate out of it. 

There are many ways and modalities to use our bodies as a transmutation portal. Breathwork, yoga, exercise, EFT, swimming, massage, etc. can all be utilized as ways to alchemize, shift, and purge stories in the body. Which in turn allows the mind, patterns and beliefs to change.  

Our hearts become our home base. We begin and end our days with gratitude and intentions. We return to love, compassion, forgiveness and kindness. Intentions are how we steer and get back on course. We are most compatible to the New Earth Software and grid systems by maintaining these routes in our heart's dialogue and consciousness. If you feel or find that you are caught up in comparison, competing, or judging others please receive this as an invitation to hold more love, allowing and surrendering in your mind and heart. 

Nearly every activation, upgrade and healing session I have facilitated and hosted in the last 13 years has included an expansion of the heart. This is the primary operating center for the New Earth grids and system. 

To put it simply, the New Earth is all about love and requires a constant conversation and co-creation with the heart. We as a human family and collective consciousness will and can continue to ascend as we hold more love in our hearts, minds, bodies, and fields. 

It's actually quite easy and simple, in my humble opinion to summarize it this way. 

New Earth to me is a new way of life where we are devoted to honor our soul's guidance and let our hearts lead the way. 


**** There is an advanced technology that the Arcturians (a team of galactic chaperones for humanity's ascension) gave me access to early on in my ascension journey that has helped me create more love in my field and has given my heart, mind and body more cohesion through the upgrades. That is the Arcturian Healing Chamber. I see this as a pod that my soul rests in at night. It is calibrated to my soul's unique signature frequencies. It serves as an alchemization container. Before I doze off each night, I request to sleep in my healing chamber and I wake up fully rested, recharged and my body integrates all of the ascension codes with much more ease. I rarely find myself triggered, out of balance, or with an energy upgrade hangover anymore. This allows me to be relaxed and open to all of the guidance available. Try that out if you have been feeling a bit wonky or unable to anchor into a timeline or experience that is serving you. 

My clients strive for timelines where peace, ease, prosperity and flow are nurtured and available. Having this understanding is foundational to let go of timelines that perpetuate cycles of doubt, scarcity, and overwhelm. 

If you have enjoyed this conversation and my explanation around what the term, "New Earth" means to me, I would love to invite you to take a look at my YouTube channel where I have offered even more material and support regarding ascension, New Earth, and accessing New Earth grids and activating the New Earth Software System. 

What is another term or conversation that you would like to receive my input on? I invite you to send me a message at and share a concept that has had you curious or baffled. 

Sending you my love and gratitude, 
Ty Gold | Alchemist

New Earth Abundance and Ascension Mentor
Co-Founder of New Earth Magic School

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