Programs & Mentorship

Ā Wealth Freakwincy Magnet is a Wealth Mastery program for New Earth mentors, Heart Centered Entrepreneurs, and Soul Creatives who are passionate about freedom, Divine Abundance, Divine Service, fun, and flow who desire luxury without hustle, who have high honesty and integrity codes, may have debts to overcome, and love the intimacy of private mentorship.
Private Mentorship
With Ty Gold | Alchemist

Accelerate your Divine Wi-Fi signal so that you live more optimally in the New Earth Paradigm
Master the stair steps to confident and consistent Divine Communication by creating a clear channel for receiving guidance, go pro level with your psychic skillset and upgrade your frequency and capacity to hold life changing Divine conversations.
*Includes Empath Power Up Course*
Online Monthly Subscription Program
With monthly Spirit Circles included

Emotional Intelligence & Energetic Mastery
Become the master of your own energy as you learn to protect and increase your physical, mental, emotional and energetic health and clear the way for you to tune into your innate psychic and healing gifts.
Online Program
Self Study Option
Super Size Me Bundle
Private Mentorship Option
Super Size Me Bundle
Emotional Intelligence + Energetic Mastery for the soul who is ready to advance their psychic skill set and tune into their own Divine force and power with greater ease.
This private mentorship opportunity comes with:
* Lifetime access to Empath Power Up curriculum, located in a member’s portal with an easy to use app
* Soul Ascension Activation (formerly known as an Energy Tune Up) - Energy Session to anchor the embodiment of your next higher self and amplify your intuition
* Intuitive Profile that describes your best meditation suggestions, information about your Divine Support Team members, and the advice that they wish for you to have access to so that you are streamlining your connection to higher self, Source, and guides.
* Exclusive access to New Earth Magic School Private Facebook group for members only
Perfect for the budding intuitives and healers who want to access more of their unique gifts and are ready to advance beyond divination tools.
This is the fundamental building block needed to become a channel for the Divine (Spirit Messenger Training) and access your multidimensionality for your biz, life and being (Spirit Messenger Mastery).
Click here to schedule your call to discuss this opportunity