Accelerate your Divine Wi-Fi signal so that you live more optimally
in the New Earth Paradigm
The tools and methods provided in Spirit Messenger Training allow you to...
Become an Empowered Empath
Move from struggling and suffering to staying protected and grounded as you channel and connect to your Divine Support Team.
Supercharge Your Intuition
Improve your capability with all your areas of intuition, while fine-tuning and expanding them.
Master Divine Communication
Connect to your Divine Support Team easily and effortlessly, anytime, anywhere: know your team members, call on and receive their guidance and support upon request, and understand the language they use.
Receive Energetic Entrainment
With the audio files you'll attain the high vibe frequencies, Source Activations, Upgrades and Shifts that you will need to open up, access and use your unique gifts, as well as align to the frequency of your Divine Support Team members.
Spirit Messenger Training is a Full Body Transformation in an Online Program
It not only supports someone becoming an excellent communicator and co-creator with their Divine Support Team, it shows them how to:
- Use a pendulum
- Interpret Oracle cards
- Muscle test with their body
- Practice remote viewing
- Have discernment, spiritual etiquette, and sense when something isn't in their highest
- Navigate out of spiritual abuse with appropriate aftercare
- Receive intel from objects/psychometry
- Sense subtle energy and perform body scans
- Master telepathy
- Utilize multidimensional tools and advanced 9D technologies
...and a whole lot more!
These skills can open up new doorways of opportunities. They allow Mediums, Healers and Mentors to improve their offers and support their soulmate clients in new ways.
The curriculum builds up to mastering Divine communication, so you don't get stuck on the tools. But you know how to use them if you're signal ever goes down or gets spotty.
This program is perfect for the Medium, Healer or Mentor who is looking to add more skills to their tool box. It's an aligned investment for many Shamans, Intuitives, and Psychics to open up their channels of receiving so much more guidance and galactic intel.
And now in 2025 Spirit Messengers will receive attendance to our monthly virtual Spiritual Development Circles as part of your ongoing subscription. Here you can put into practice the skills you are learning, tune into your Divine Support Team and Creator to share messages and receive them for yourself and others and receive ongoing support for your spiritual skillset and development.
"Spirit Messenger Training helped me to be more in tune with myself and to communicate with my spirit team, archangels and higher self. My confidence in my intuitive abilities has grown to where I now feel I can confidently help others to follow their journey too!" - Rachel
You Will Receive Access To...
- 5 Modules with 100+ Video Trainings & Audio Lessons, Activations and Guided Meditations,
Including 3 Exclusive Guided Meditations for Empaths - 20+ Bonus Trainings & activations to support & supplement your transformation
- Monthly attendance to our virtual Spiritual Development Circles
- A private member's portal to ask questions and receive feedback
- Your content from anywhere via the Kajabi app
- BONUS: Numerology For Your Home - Mini Course
- BONUS: The Way - Guided 7 Day Experience
As long as you remain subscribed to Spirit Messenger Training you'll continue to receive: access to all your course materials, attendance to monthly Spirit Circles and ongoing updates and additions to the curriculum.

Testimonial About Spirit Messenger Training
"Before I started Spirit Messenger Training I was always heavy and drained as a medium. I thought I already had the tools to help with that when I started the Training but as I went through it, I learnt incredible and diverse ways to not only keep them at bay but also to shut off and restart my mediumship abilities as needed.
When I learned to open and connect with my team rather than through spirit, I felt lighter and more connected using my intuitive abilities. The clearings and energy healings took so much heaviness from me, as well as going deep through traumas and experiences from my life that I didn’t realise I wasn’t quite over at the time. Throughout the training I learnt to trust my body for answers and to hone in on my gifts as well as so many other things that I didn’t realise I could do!
Ty is a great teacher and a valuable mentor throughout this training and I enjoyed both the one on one sessions and group sessions. I am forever grateful for the lifelong friendships I made throughout the training.
Doing the Spirit Messenger Training you have everything at your fingertips inside the membership platform. I love that I can go back and do the Training again, going back for guidance and meditations as and when I need to.
Before Spirit Messenger Training, I was always on the fence about what I wanted to do with my gifts and my passion. Though it will evolve over time, I’m now more certain in my purpose and what I would like to do, plus I have the tools if I’m ever lost again!
Thank you Ty, I’m forever appreciative of the Spirit Messenger Training!"
- Shelly
Activate Your Divine Wi-Fi & Become Super Psychic
As long as you remain subscribed to Spirit Messenger Training you'll continue to receive: access to all your course materials, attendance to monthly Spirit Circles and ongoing updates and additions to the curriculum.