About The Wealth Freakwincy Magnet

Wealth Mastery program for New Earth mentors, Heart Centered Entrepreneurs, and Soul Creatives who are passionate about freedom, Divine Abundance, Divine Service, fun, and flow who desire luxury without hustle, who have high honesty and integrity codes, may have debts to overcome, and love the intimacy of private mentorship. Wealth Freakwincy Magnet is for those who are committed to growth and want to know when is the best time to splurge.


  • Activate your soul's toolkit for wealth so that you can implement a long term strategy that provides consistent, stable, and sustainable money flows. 
  • Collapse old timelines and open new ones so that you are walking the path that feels soul aligned to your desires. 
  • Accelerate your wealth potential so that you can pay off debts easily, invest wisely, choose abundantly and hold a cushion of resources that provide financial buoyancy. 
  • Unlock soul gifts for unique missions so that you can focus on your individual magic and be Divinely compensated as your inner artist for your creative exploration journey. 
  • Learn and understand how and when to invest with ease without overcomplicating the process so that money is consistently and constantly increasing. 
  • Align to different versions of your future self so that you are always inspired by you for you in the direction of your soul's desires. 
  • Copy and paste the codes and identity that you are invited to become so that you are integrating and evolving in the direction and pace your soul is choosing for your wealth mastery. 
  • Simplify life through artistry, creativity, nourishment and play. These are the frequencies that the Divine invites us to co-create towards for our highest timelines of wealth and luxury. 
  • Become coded to receive wealth and opportunities with more precision and a clearer vision, making the ethereal tangible and repeatable. 
  • Precise effort adds to the ease and allowing of receiving so that you do not become overwhelmed with choices and overdoing.
  • Jump into a vortex where soul desires are magnetized to you through the advanced technology provided in the Wealth Freakwincy Magnet program. 
  • Pay down debts quickly adding to the freedom, fun, and luxurious lifestyle you deserve. 
  • Learn how to hold onto money so that the resources continue to grow as it is nurtured. 

"The amount of care, love, understanding and guidance I received from Ty in my journey within the Wealth Freakwincy Magnet program is not something one often gets to experience."

- S

 Allow your soul to inherit wealth
through integrity, purpose, creativity and play

The Wealth Freakwincy Magnet now enrolling Spring 2025
Over the course of six months of private mentorship you will receive:

  • Simple modules held through Voxer where your financial gains increase as you implement and integrate each step
  • Healings and activations that support your growth, receiving, and alignment to your soul desires
  • Continuous Divinely channeled support throughout
  • A process and support that provides clarity to pay down debts, invest, serve and create in the most soul aligned ways
  • Guidance and support for Emotional Ascension as it relates to integrity, security, self care, health, creativity, and finances
  • Mastery in your financial intelligence as you communicate what you are learning, observing, and choosing
  • Beautiful song playlist to inspire and entrain to new thoughts, ideas, belief patterns and behaviors
  • A system that is a repeatable process that can sustain your money flows for the rest of your lifetime

"I have been honored and thankful to have worked with Ty a number of times over the years. Each time I learn so many new things about myself. The Magic she facilitates and allows you to discover for yourself is, well it is truly magical."

- S

Wealth Freakwincy Magnet -
$6000 for 6 Months of Mentorship

For those who desire a payment plan we offer financing options for the Wealth Frequency Magnet.

All payment plans require a $500 deposit.

In House

Our in house payment plans can extend up to 13 months.
Finance charges apply. 

Lending Partner

Plans through our lending partner can extend up to 36 months.

Email [email protected] for questions and to discuss investment options.

Buy A Sample

Go to the Money Orchard in a high voltage activation video where you receive upgrades for: wealth, receiving more effortlessly and opening the gates for your imagination. Receive the activation one time for limitless trips to the Money Orchard.

Buy the Money Orchard


 "I was fortunate enough to be a part of Ty’s Wealth Freakwincy Magnet program and can’t speak highly enough of it.

Between the guidance and money magnetisation this magical program had me pay off all my credit card debt, increase my credit score by 150 points to an excellent score and receive cash gifts of over $5k that allowed me to completely fund one of my biggest dreams of filing for my US citizenship.
I had multiple new insights for work that resulted in an 11.11% hourly pay raise, new offerings that showcase my expertise and lots of new ongoing work opportunities and projects.

Although these are amazing results that I am thrilled with, I was also really impressed with the exercises and activations that were part of the program. In fact one of the most impactful parts of the program was not simply about receiving more, it was actually connecting with my future self. This was a really powerful process for me that allowed me to receive a lot of insights about areas I could grow in and things I could do to become my future money magnetising self!


Thank you for everything Ty!" - R

"Taking the Wealth Frequency Magnet Program was a truly transformative experience for me. My main goal was to align with abundance on a deeper level and shift the way I viewed financial prosperity. This course exceeded all my expectations.

What truly stood out to me was the constant support provided through the Telegram channel. It was incredible to know I could reach out at any time, and Ty personally responded, taking the time to meditate and ensure that the answers provided were always in alignment with my highest good. This personal attention made all the difference in my journey.

The course also gave me more confidence in making financial decisions. After the energy medicine, I felt deeply aligned and energetically clearer, allowing me to heal and release past blocks around money and abundance. This healing aspect helped me step into a more empowered space. In fact, my credit has soared to the point where I can now get any card I desire—something I once thought was out of reach!

Beyond financial improvements, I’ve gained more confidence in my job goals and feel a sense of clarity that I didn’t have before. I’m now able to slow down and take the time to think critically when making financial decisions, ensuring I’m in alignment with my goals. Most importantly, I’ve allowed myself to dream—BIG! The course truly helped me reconnect with my aspirations and gave me the courage to pursue them.

I would highly recommend this course to anyone seeking a reset in their abundance mindset. It offers a gentle yet firm approach, using prompts that encourage deep self-reflection about what we truly desire. The energy of fun and play that Ty brought into the program was key for me in finding the joy that now fuels my ability to create the life I want.

What also stood out was Ty’s attention to detail and the personal one-on-one support for each client. I was especially enjoyed the Wealth Frequency playlist, which Ty created specifically for this course—it became an essential part of my daily practice.

If you're looking to align your energy with abundance and gain confidence in creating a prosperous future, the Wealth Frequency Magnet Program is an invaluable tool. I’m incredibly grateful for the transformation it has brought into my life." - J